Nov. 28, 2020

How One Turn of The Steering Wheel Can Change Your Entire Life With Rebecca Day

How One Turn of The Steering Wheel Can Change Your Entire Life With Rebecca Day

What is it like dealing with divorce as a Christian? This episode’s guest, Rebecca Day, shares her journey that so many will resonate with. Growing up in a very Christian household as the pastor’s daughter, she grew up as a rule follower and a people pleaser which never led to true inner peace and happiness. After being exposed to the idea that her marriage was not good for her, leaving the marriage filled with 30 years of being beat down and not feeling loved, she began a new journey in life. Through counseling, life-changes, setting up boundaries for herself, and more, she finally found what it felt to be truly loved and have self-love! Tune in to listen to Rebecca's full second wind story.